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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-13373

Tree View hangs Internet Explorer when viewing lots of pages at once


      This issue has different symptoms from CONF-10535 in that:

      • Alphabetical View is not affected
      • FireFox is not affected
      • Problem can be evident with as little as 300 ~ 800 pages.
      • Occurs when you have "too many" pages visible at one time, either because you have a parent page with lots of children or becuase you have opened lots of parent nodes with a small amount of children.

      When you browse a space, and select Tree View, this will cause IE7 to hang. The hang appears to be on the client side only as the contents of the tree looks to be received from the server based on observations with Fiddler. Performing the same action with FireFox works fine. IE consumes the CPU and the memory usage continually grows.

      To reproduce the problem, browse our CAC space (currently on 2.9.2-rc1) here: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/KB/Home
      Expand Home. The Knowledge Base has about 870 articles rooted under Home.

            agnes@atlassian.com Agnes Ro
            davidyu David Yu
            9 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
