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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-11998

Tree macro for moving/reordering pages in 2.8 fails with large spaces.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 2.8.1
    • None
    • Confluence 2.8.1 standalone, JDK 1.6, RHEL 5.1 (x86_64)

      The new feature introduced in 2.8 that provides a tree view for editing a page's location (as opposed to the text box which existed in 2.7) fails miserably with large (thousands of pages) flat spaces. The size of the query and the time required for Javascript processing causes most browsers (Firefox, IE, Safari) to complain that the script is taking too long to run or is exceeding its resources, and prompts the user to terminate the script.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1) Create a space with thousands of pages (at least 1700) in a flat (ie: nonexistant) hierarchy.

      2) Navigate to any page in the sapce.

      3) Click the "Edit" link to edit the page.

      4) Scroll to the "Location" field.

      5) Click the "Edit" link to move/reorder the page.

      6) Watch your browser grind to a halt and prompt you to terminate the script.

      What should have happened:

      The macro (I assume it's pagetree?) should first query the number of pages in a space, and if it is sufficiently large (say, over 200 pages), only display a portion of the tree at a time. Or, better yet, there should be a configurable option to use the older, 2.7 interface of a text box (which worked just fine).

      I realize that as a workaround, we could change the Edit page template to eliminate the macro, but that's not a feasible long-term solution, as it means that the macro itself is unusable. Editing the browser preferences to increase the JavaScript timeout is also not a feasible option for a user base in the thousands.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            f1a9ebe1b37e Jonathan Reed
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