Resolution: Fixed
The standard 500/server error page displays large amounts of information about the server. While this is very convenient for troubleshooting, it's a problem in environments where security is a major concern and it's important to provide as little information as possible to potential attackers.
We can, and currently have to, ask customers to customise 500page.jsp themselves. However, it should be easy enough for us to include an alternative version which simply shows the following:
System Error
A system error has occurred - our apologies!
Please contact your Confluence administrator to create a support issue on our support system at http://support.atlassian.com with the following information:
1. a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred
2. attach the application server log file (if possible).
We will respond as promptly as possible.
Thank you!
- is related to
CONFSERVER-12404 Restrict the transmission of Confluence version details
- Closed
CONFSERVER-18508 Make the entered content of a page in 500 jsp page more prominent to customers
- Closed
CONFSERVER-19601 500page.jsp Improvements
- Closed
- was cloned as
JRASERVER-21294 Alternative 500page.jsp with minimal information
- Closed