Resolution: Unresolved
User Story
As a Confluence administrator I need to be able to grant permissions to user-created "team" objects in addition to individual users and groups because these are the only multi-user objects editable by non-admins and I do not have time to manage everyone's groups.
Group management in Atlassian tools has been a tremendous pain point since...ever.
- The typical Confluence administrator pool is very small
- In even a medium-sized organization, the number of create\add\remove\delete actions on organizational units can be high.
- As of now, it's still not possible to sync groups from third-party IdP's, so any group management you want is going to be manual.
- In addition to their official OU's most organizations have a secondary set of informal groups beyond the "official" ones, whose memberships are both fluid and not recorded.
"Teams" seems like a great compromise - it's like a group, but users can maintain them - however as of now you can't actually do anything with a 'team'. It just exists in the system like a bicycle designed for fish, taunting us with it's unrealized potential.
More context from a related ticket:
(For Jira and Confluence / Atlassian Cloud)
Please add more functionality to "People and Teams."
More specifically: Be able to use Teams in Space Permissions and Page Permissions like regular managed Groups in Atlassian Cloud. Currently, users can only use Teams by @mentioning them in Jira tickets or Confluence pages. User want to be able to create their own groups and manage the members.
- is duplicated by
CONFCLOUD-73457 Please add more functionality to "People and Teams"
- Closed
That would be an absolute game changer for us.
If the users are able to create teams and use them in Jira and confluence to set permissions we would have a huge benefit.