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Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Cloud'
  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-74893

The New Space PDF Export service isn't supporting Title, Header and Footer under Look and Feel

      Issue Summary

      The new PDF export experience has an issue with the Look and Feel's PDF Export section for space exports.

      The pages of the PDF export doesn't have the expected HTML outputs like Title, Header, Footer etc.,

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Access any space and go to Space Settings > Look and feel > PDF Export
      2. Add HTML script for Title/ Header/ Footer etc.,
      3. Go to Space Settings > Manage Space > Export space > Export Format - PDF
      4. Download the export file and check the file content

      Expected Results

      The pages of the space which was exported should be displaying the Title, Header etc., given in the HTML script.

      Actual Results

      Title, Header, etc., will not be available in the PDF


      Contact Atlassian Support to disable the new PDF experience.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Cloud'
            1. Confluence Cloud
            2. CONFCLOUD-74893

            The New Space PDF Export service isn't supporting Title, Header and Footer under Look and Feel

                Issue Summary

                The new PDF export experience has an issue with the Look and Feel's PDF Export section for space exports.

                The pages of the PDF export doesn't have the expected HTML outputs like Title, Header, Footer etc.,

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Access any space and go to Space Settings > Look and feel > PDF Export
                2. Add HTML script for Title/ Header/ Footer etc.,
                3. Go to Space Settings > Manage Space > Export space > Export Format - PDF
                4. Download the export file and check the file content

                Expected Results

                The pages of the space which was exported should be displaying the Title, Header etc., given in the HTML script.

                Actual Results

                Title, Header, etc., will not be available in the PDF


                Contact Atlassian Support to disable the new PDF experience.

                        3fc9a08d5c87 Martin Maza
                        e4e2f1bcbafe Vidyalakshmi M
                        3 Vote for this issue
                        14 Start watching this issue


                            3fc9a08d5c87 Martin Maza
                            e4e2f1bcbafe Vidyalakshmi M
                            Affected customers:
                            3 This affects my team
                            14 Start watching this issue
