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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-74730

Consider referring Connect macros in the content in a globally unique way


      There is a check in the Connect app descriptor validator that prevents an app from being installed if there is a clash between a macro key of already installed app with a macro key of a new app. This is done to prevent conflicts between two macros in the content body where we refer macros only by its key, which is set by an app developer.


      <ac:structured-macro ac:name="gliffy" ac:schema-version="1" data-layout="default" ac:local-id="redacted" ac:macro-id="redacted"><ac:parameter ac:name="paramName">paramValue<ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro> 

      At the moment in the case of uncovered clashes between macro keys of different Connect apps we ask app vendors to update their macro keys to be globally unique.

      However we might want to consider adding a prefix to the macro key or additional field to ac:structured-macro when refer them in the content body to make them globally unique. Connect app key might be used as this additional prefix/field value.

      See some more details in the CONFCLOUD-73785 description and comments.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rtoropov@atlassian.com Roman Toropov
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