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Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Cloud'
  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-73213

Performance issues with Chrome 96 and Chrome 97 in Confluence editor

      Issue Summary

      • On Chrome 96 (97 beta), there's a significant performance issue when typing.
        • Specifically, the issue is related to Chrome/Google's Spellchecker, and is triggered when there's a high number of typographical error,

      Steps to Reproduce

      • On Chrome 96 (97 beta), edit a page which contains a large number of typos.
        • Typing will be slow or the page will be unresponsive.

      Expected Results

      • No performance issue, slowness, or unresponsiveness when editing a page with large number of typographical error,

      Actual Results

      • Depending on the number of typographical error, the editing experience is slow, or unresponsive.


      • Disable spell check on:
        • chrome://settings/languages
      • Downgrade Chrome.
      • Use another browser.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Cloud'
            1. Confluence Cloud
            2. CONFCLOUD-73213

            Performance issues with Chrome 96 and Chrome 97 in Confluence editor

                Issue Summary

                • On Chrome 96 (97 beta), there's a significant performance issue when typing.
                  • Specifically, the issue is related to Chrome/Google's Spellchecker, and is triggered when there's a high number of typographical error,

                Steps to Reproduce

                • On Chrome 96 (97 beta), edit a page which contains a large number of typos.
                  • Typing will be slow or the page will be unresponsive.

                Expected Results

                • No performance issue, slowness, or unresponsiveness when editing a page with large number of typographical error,

                Actual Results

                • Depending on the number of typographical error, the editing experience is slow, or unresponsive.


                • Disable spell check on:
                  • chrome://settings/languages
                • Downgrade Chrome.
                • Use another browser.

                        2a9518694368 Luke Woollard
                        smaran Sattesh M
                        41 Vote for this issue
                        59 Start watching this issue


                            2a9518694368 Luke Woollard
                            smaran Sattesh M
                            Affected customers:
                            41 This affects my team
                            59 Start watching this issue
