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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-73213

Performance issues with Chrome 96 and Chrome 97 in Confluence editor


      Issue Summary

      • On Chrome 96 (97 beta), there's a significant performance issue when typing.
        • Specifically, the issue is related to Chrome/Google's Spellchecker, and is triggered when there's a high number of typographical error,

      Steps to Reproduce

      • On Chrome 96 (97 beta), edit a page which contains a large number of typos.
        • Typing will be slow or the page will be unresponsive.

      Expected Results

      • No performance issue, slowness, or unresponsiveness when editing a page with large number of typographical error,

      Actual Results

      • Depending on the number of typographical error, the editing experience is slow, or unresponsive.


      • Disable spell check on:
        • chrome://settings/languages
      • Downgrade Chrome.
      • Use another browser.

            2a9518694368 Luke Woollard
            smaran Sattesh M
            41 Vote for this issue
            59 Start watching this issue
