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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-73036

Provide a mechanism to wipe all Confluence data from a given site


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Site - Import
    • None
    • 11
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Confluence Cloud does not currently provide an in product mechanism that would allow an admin to reset the site back to an empty site, effectively removing all Confluence spaces and their pages. Resetting a site is a common task as part of migration activities since many admins complete multiple dry runs prior to moving to production. This feature request is aimed at providing an in-app mechanism that allows for the content to be cleared gracefully without negatively affecting the users, groups, apps and licensing on a Confluence Cloud instance.

      Our current workaround methods are

      1. Deleting all spaces/pages from the cloud instance manually by updating the database directly through Governator
      2. Reset all Confluence data by Unsubscribing/Resubscribing the Product (this is currently not an option for those customers on the new billing system)

      Notes on the available workarounds

      • Deleting spaces manually is an inefficient use of time and can drastically impact support resources depending on how large a site clean up may be
      • Importing a blank Confluence backup is no longer an option if Confluence is connected to Jira which is sometimes the case for customers who migrate Jira before Confluence. 
      • Unsubcribing/resubscribing to the product can sometimes cause licensing issues (ECTL and other billing issues) and requires admins to engage with Migrations Support & CA Support to address. This can have the potential to affect/block production migrations.
      • Unsubscribing from the product also causes all downloaded apps to be reset - so in cases where there are many apps installed, admins have to manually re-install all of the plugins.

            eaade336b3a2 Brian Greene
            nlopez@atlassian.com Nancy Lopez
            5 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue
