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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-71132

Copying a page duplicate tasks




      Status Update 22 April 2020

      Hi everyone,

      Thank you again for your feedback as we worked on fixing the original version of this bug related to duplicating tasks when copying a page. We recognize that some of you are experiencing a related bug, where the task report macro is currently duplicating some tasks depending on how its pagination is set. We are tracking reports of this bug's occurrence on at https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-72026. You can follow along the ticket there as the source of truth. Thank you again for your feedback!

      Sunny Xu

      Issue Summary

      Working with tasks on Confluence is a great way to keep tracking our daily job! Sometimes, on an existing page that already contains a determined format, we can copy it and then just change the tasks' description, in order to make our life easier - though, doing this is currently making the Task Report macro to behave unexpectedly.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a page called Report and add a Task Report macro;
      2. In the same space you created the above page, create a new one called Tasks;
      3. Add a few tasks with random names there (3 tasks are enough) and publish the page;
      4. Copy Tasks;
      5. In the Copy of Tasks, change the text from the three tasks and publish the page;
      6. Go to the Report page.

      Expected Results

      The Task Report macro shows all the distinct tasks from both pages;

      Actual Results

      The Task Report macro duplicate the tasks that got their name changed on the copied page. It also happens in the tasks session, on the user profile.


      • If on step #5 you actually remove the tasks and publish the page without any task, in the report macro/user profile tasks, they are shown with the old name in the copied page.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available


        Issue Links



              amacheret Andrew Macheret
              vsiqueira Vinicius
              53 Vote for this issue
              58 Start watching this issue

