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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-70868

Continuous numbered list between layouts


    • 13
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Status Update 18 Oct 2022

      👋 Hi all, Ethan from the Atlassian Editor Team here. As always, thank you for the continuous feedback on how we may improve the editing experience in Confluence, and the wider Atlassian product suite. I wanted to share that our team has been reviewing the feedback for this issue, and are keen to solve for ways of enabling authors to format lists to their liking, without breaking the numbering of an ordered list


      We recognise this issue presents a significant challenge to create professional looking documentation, particularly when more complex sequencing of content is required. The current workaround of using shift + enter to create a newline to support the insertion of content without disrupting the numbering isn’t suitable for nodes which can’t currently be nested in lists at all (e.g. tables, panels, expands etc.).

      From the feedback, we are focusing on addressing the following use cases:

      1. Ability to start an ordered list from any number
      2. Ability to continue the numbering in lists when split 


      What is not under consideration for the scope of this current project is to support nesting of more content types in lists. Whilst there may be legitimate use cases to support for additional nesting (e.g. macros in lists), we recognise the core of the problem is primarily not wanting to break the sequence/count of a numbered list, especially with non-text content.


      My team and I are exploring a few backwards compatible approaches at the moment that are aimed at not breaking existing content/storage formats, and aligned with interaction patterns you’ve come to expect from other notable rich-text editors. To ensure we’re on the right track, I invite you to schedule some time with my team and I to provide feedback on our approach and working assumptions using my 30 minute meeting link.


      Thanks all and stay safe,




      By default, when using a numbered list, the only method to continue the numbers is if the user either hits Enter (or shift+Enter to add something between the numbers and then, continue it with Enter).

      In certain scenarios, users use layouts to put an image/macro at the side of the numbered list. In this case, if the user adds a new layout, there is no method to continue the numbered list and the user must add a new one that will start from the number 1.


      This is a suggestion to allow numbered lists to continue in the next layout in order to allow steps to use images at their right side.

      At the moment, the closest workaround would be to:

      • Include the image between the current numbered list (not using layouts) by using Shift+Enter and then Enter to go to the next number.
      • In a table, use the Numbered column option for each of the numbered points instead of layouts.

        1. Screen Recording 2023-02-07 at 1.31.02 pm.mov
          16.26 MB
          Ethan Yew
        2. Screen Recording 2023-02-07 at 1.40.48 pm.mov
          7.01 MB
          Ethan Yew
        3. Screenshot 2023-02-07 at 1.34.15 pm.png
          247 kB
          Ethan Yew

              b44ee328bea8 Ethan Yew
              gdecampos Giuliano C.
              223 Vote for this issue
              111 Start watching this issue
