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  1. Atlassian Intelligence
  2. AI-891

Provide ability to override Lucene tokenisation and stemming and search for exact text


    • 7
    • Minor
    • 97

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      We would like to able to search for exact text, and not have Lucene tokenise, remove stop words, or do any stemming.

      We partly use Confluence as a knowledge base for our own software product, which includes lots of system codes, acrnoyms etc. The specific use case that prompted this was a user wanting to search for the text "S/D". Lucene strips off the 'S', and the '/', leaving the search to just look for 'd'. Not particularly useful.

      It would be brilliant if we could enter a query somehow that overrode this.

      Raised following support issue CSP-29584

              owallis@atlassian.com Owen Wallis
              f29e75fd9379 Neil Arrowsmith
              463 Vote for this issue
              264 Start watching this issue
