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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-67745

Comments on attachments don't work with new editor


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      Hi everyone,
      This is Shubh Trivedi from the Confluence Cloud Comments team. Thanks for taking the time to vote, comment or watch this ticket. Your feedback continues to help guide our efforts in improving the Atlassian commenting experience.
      We wanted to let you know that this suggestion is not currently in our short term roadmap. However, we’re evaluating this feature for our future roadmap. We encourage you to keep tracking this ticket for future updates.

      Hi everyone, This is Shubh Trivedi from the Confluence Cloud Comments team. Thanks for taking the time to vote, comment or watch this ticket. Your feedback continues to help guide our efforts in improving the Atlassian commenting experience. We wanted to let you know that this suggestion is not currently in our short term roadmap. However, we’re evaluating this feature for our future roadmap. We encourage you to keep tracking this ticket for future updates. Best, Shubh
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      In the new editor, the function to comment on images and files on Confluence is not working as expected. The comments dialog box doesn't render to write a comment for the files.


      • Confluence Cloud
      • New editor

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. On the new editor, create a test page and upload a file.
      2. Navigate to .... > Click on Attachments > Select the file.
      3. Click on View
      4. Drag the pin icon from the bottom of the preview and drop it where you want to comment.

      Expected Results

      It should present the window for writing the text.

      Actual Results

      It doesn't render at all


      • The developer console will show below error
        com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-previews:annotation-plugin.js?externals=__local-default__&locale=en-GB:150 Uncaught TypeError: this.errorCallback is not a function
            at e.<anonymous> (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.confluence-previews:annotation-plugin.js?externals=__local-default__&locale=en-GB:150)
            at d (VM2962 jquery-min.js:1)
            at Object.fireWith (VM2962 jquery-min.js:1)
            at Object.fire [as reject] (VM2962 jquery-min.js:1)
            at Object.<anonymous> (com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.quickedit:quick-edit-general.js?externals=__local-default__&locale=en-GB:13)
            at d (VM2962 jquery-min.js:1)
            at Object.fireWith (VM2962 jquery-min.js:1)
            at Object.fire (VM2962 jquery-min.js:1)
            at d (VM2962 jquery-min.js:1)
            at Object.fireWith (VM2962 jquery-min.js:1)
      • The request header for this element will show status as 200 and preview shows limited payload:
        {results: [], start: 0, limit: 100, size: 0,…}
        limit: 100
        results: []
        size: 0
        start: 0
        _links: {base: "https://srandhawa.atlassian.net/wiki", context: "/wiki",…}
        base: "https://srandhawa.atlassian.net/wiki"
        context: "/wiki"
        self: "https://srandhawa.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/files/1.0/files/697925655/comments?attachmentVersion=1"
      • Comparing with old editor where all the information is parsed:
        {id: "40828933", history: {latest: true,…},…}
        anchor: {type: "pin", page: 1, x: 0.7663398692810458, y: 0.9363636363636364}
        body: {editor: {value: "<p>Testing with image comments</p>", representation: "editor",…},…}
        editor: {value: "<p>Testing with image comments</p>", representation: "editor",…}
        view: {value: "<p>Testing with image comments</p>", representation: "view",…}
        _expandable: {atlas_doc_format: "", export_view: "", styled_view: "", storage: "", editor2: "",…}
        children: []
        hasDeletePermission: true
        hasEditPermission: true
        hasReplyPermission: true
        hasResolvePermission: true
        history: {latest: true,…}
        id: "40828933"
        resolved: {value: false,…}
        by: {type: "unknown", username: "unknown", displayName: "Unlicensed user", userKey: "", operations: null}
        displayName: "Unlicensed user"
        operations: null
        type: "unknown"
        userKey: ""
        username: "unknown"
        value: false
        version: {by: {type: "known", accountId: "5b7caf50332df52a5d9449d8", accountType: "atlassian",…},…}
        by: {type: "known", accountId: "5b7caf50332df52a5d9449d8", accountType: "atlassian",…}
        friendlyWhen: "yesterday at 2:01 PM"
        message: ""
        minorEdit: false
        number: 1
        when: "2019-09-02T08:31:01.067Z"
        _expandable: {collaborators: "", content: "/rest/api/content/40828933"}
        collaborators: ""
        content: "/rest/api/content/40828933"
        _links: {self: "https://skhanna.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/40828933/version/1"}
        self: "https://skhanna.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/40828933/version/1"
        _links: {base: "https://skhanna.atlassian.net/wiki", context: "/wiki"}
        base: "https://skhanna.atlassian.net/wiki"
        context: "/wiki"


      Currently, there is no workaround for this issue

              e8931b7d41d8 Shubh Trivedi
              srandhawa@atlassian.com Supreet (Inactive)
              140 Vote for this issue
              88 Start watching this issue
