Resolution: Duplicate
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
Pasting Anchor link in the address bar of the browser does not redirect the user to the precise location of the Anchor
Confluence Cloud- New Editor(Fabric Editor)
Step 1- On a Page. Create Text Link and a respective Anchor. And publish the Page.
Step 2- Click on the Text Link(Associated with an Anchor on the same page) and copy its link address.
Step 3- Paste the copied link address in a browser address bar.
Step 4- The page will reload but not take you (user) to the precise location of the Anchor in the Page.
Expected Results
The user must be redirected to the precise location of the Anchor.
Actual Results
The Page gets reloaded but the user does not get to the precise location of the Anchor.
Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available
- duplicates
CONFCLOUD-62589 Following a link to an anchor within another page doesn't scroll at all after getting to the other page
- Closed