Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Severity 3 - Minor
Issue Summary
**Standard Confluence Cloud
Steps to Reproduce
- Invite a new user to Confluence
- Once the user joins Confluence, a new request is sent stating:
- xxx wants to invite xxx, so they can both work on company.atlassian.net. You can approve access requests from your Site administration.
Expected Results
The user should join Confluence without sending a request to join since they're invited.
Actual Results
The user is able to join Confluence but a request is sent asking for access.
Created on behalf of a customer from a Community post: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-questions/Automatic-access-requests-sent-by-users-without-them-asking-for/qaq-p/1099147
Nothing currently.
- is incorporated by
CONFCLOUD-65155 Disable the option to invite team members on the first login
- Closed
- mentioned in
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