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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-66752

Bring back the original panel macro feature


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Status Update 14 March 2022

      We know that many of you have been limited by the lack of customization for panels. We’re happy to let you know that has now changed.

      Custom Panels has started to rollout! Community Post


      Status Update 18 April 2021

      We are planning on shipping new capabilities to the panel macro soon to improve your experience with Panels. You will be able to choose any colour from our colour palette instead of the predefined ones, you will be able to remove the panel icon altogether or add different/custom icons “emojis” to the panel other than the predefined ones.


      Status Update 13 March 2020

      As we're working through this feature and others, we wanted to address a lot of your concerns as to the future of the new editor and legacy editor.

      Please read our recent community post here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-Cloud-articles/Change-to-your-content-is-in-your-hands/ba-p/1324476


      Problem Statement

      "old" panel macro was much more fully featured as border styles, text styles and titles etc could be specified.


      Having the feature from the old and in addition to the new predefined ones, or one that could provide both the new templates and the existing functionality would be great.


      From CONFCLOUD-65659:

      Problem Definition

      The new macro called Panel in the new editor allows users to contextually switch between:

      • Info - Blue
      • Note - Purple
      • Success - Green
      • Warning - Orange
      • Error - Red

      There's no option for the user to choose on their own which of the icons or colors show, or if they want an icon to show at all.

      Suggested Solution

      Customers should be able to edit/change/set the background color for panel macro and choose if they want to display an icon.

      Why this is important

      The customer wants to customize the panel macro, which they are not able to do because of the new editor changes.


      No current workaround, but I've used the new Layout feature mentioned in Confluence Editing Improvements to display as a panel of my own.

              dsriram Divya Sriram
              ashohaimi Syauqi (Inactive)
              363 Vote for this issue
              198 Start watching this issue
