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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-55111

Macro titles display as square characters in the edit mode with some of supported languages


      Macro titles display as square characters in the edit mode with CJK languages.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Set Japanese to User profile language
      2. Create a page
      3. Edit the page
      4. Place Status macro whose title is "こんにちは、先生" 
      5. Check that the title gets garbled like "□□□"

      Expected Results

      Macro title displays correctly with Japanese characters.

      Actual Results

      Macro titles display as square characters.


      Verified that following 3 languages get garbled among supported languages.

      • Chinese
      • Japanese
      • Korean


      Please contact Atlassian Support from https://support.atlassian.com/contact/.

            [CONFCLOUD-55111] Macro titles display as square characters in the edit mode with some of supported languages

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              lhou1 Lorien Hou
              tnagasaka Takuya Nagasaka
              Affected customers:
              7 This affects my team
              14 Start watching this issue
