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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-54097

Cloud Administrators are unable to upload font files for PDF Export anymore


      Although the Creating PDF in another language documentation is still pointing users to the https://<account_name>.atlassian.net/wiki/admin/flyingpdf/configurepdflanguagesupport.action URL, it isn't accessible to users without sysadmin rights anymore. The PDF Export Language Support menu option isn't visible for them either.

      I understand that this isn't a new Restricted Function, but if it is, the documentation should be updated accordingly (both the Restricted Functions List and the Creating PDF in another language how-to). Otherwise, the users should regain access to the functionality.

      Update on this issue

      Confluence Cloud administrators are not able to upload font collections directly, but you can request Atlassian Support to upload a collection for you.

      See our Confluence Cloud documentation for more information: Create a PDF in another language

        1. SCSI Cables Lvd.pdf
          489 kB

            gbrunning Giles B
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