TLDR Version
To add value for its customers by minimizing costs resulting from increased plugin prices in the Cloud, Atlassian should consider three solutions:
- group-based add-on access,
- limited add-on license costs, and
- an administrative dashboard to analyze add-on usage.
Atlassian's current add-on pricing model and lack of usage analysis tools make it difficult to adopt new add-ons and identify their value. Atlassian should modify the add-on portion of their pricing model and provide administrative users with the necessary tools to continue advocating for this ecosystem/platform.
Longer Version
Unlike others, I, am very interested in minimizing cost. WHY? With the move from Server to Cloud, many of the plugins have increased their prices (on the order of 10-fold increases). What used to cost $600/year is now costing me $250/month. To address this situation, I see three key ingredients that Atlassian MUST consider:
- The ability to assign add-on access for particular groups, akin to assigning Atlassian application access via the groups/users administrative interface.
- Add-on license costs (naturally) being limited to the number of users who actually have permission to use those add-ons.
- Creation of an administrative dashboard that helps users like me see some analysis of add-on usage by groups and users, across the entire system, and per space/project, etc. Why do I want to see this analysis?
- To determine if add-ons provided in response to users' request are actually being utilized by anyone AT ALL.
- To determine if valuable add-ons have been adopted by the requesting team's members, and/or by others in the organization. This data would facilitate better communication of add-on features and benefits through onboarding and supportive educational outreach.
- To identify if/when particular add-on costs should be most appropriately charged/billed to a particular project/client/etc., or if it is more appropriate for all add-on usage to be attributed to overhead. (Note: Any opportunity to distribute costs for Jira systems (including add-on costs) makes Atlassian's offerings appear more affordable to the company. Not doing this makes it appear that Atlassian is growing exceedingly expensive ... not necessarily the case. Point is: NOT HAVING THIS INFORMATION IS GOOD FOR ADD-ON CREATORS, AND VERY BAD FOR YOUR SALES/RETENTION EFFORTS.)
If there are other ways of accomplishing the needed analyses, I'm certainly open to comments from the community. Regardless, let the following key points not be lost ...
- Atlassian's blanket model of passing-through costs for add-ons for ALL user seats prevents the adoption of more add-ons. Group-based add-on access is the answer.
- Atlassian's failure to provide tools for analyzing usage of add-ons (particularly pricey ones) creates an unnecessary administrative burden for people like me, and feeds my reluctance to consider any new plugins.
Put another way: Inability to analyze costs undermines Marketplace success by obscuring add-on value identification. The resulting ignorance encourages the adoption of a blanket policy forbidding ANY new plugins from being adopted.
Please, please, 1) change the model for pricing add-ons in the cloud, and 2) give me the tools I need to continue being an Atlassian advocate.
See also:
Bumping this back up - much needed feature on your app!!