When navigating through the view page interface using tabs, there are many invisible page stops which are reflected in the "status" area of the browser's footer, but which do not result in any on-screen change. This is an issue for people who use the keyboard to navigate.

      Examples include (but are not limited to):

      1. The space logo, which gains focus after leaving the "sign up" link, but which does not give any indication that it is highlighted.
      2. The tab stops before and after the "view page attachments" link are not displayed on screen but can be reached using the keyboard. These are links hidden using the css option "display=none". You can hide these using a technique like setting the tabindex to -1.

      To satisfy this, someone should go through the entire view page interface in a loop with tab navigation and either hide or make obvious what is selected at every stop.

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            aatkins TonyA
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