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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-29166

Unable to delete blog version


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      Deleting a previous revision of a blog post requires permission as a 'Space Administrator', even with the permission, deletion is not permitted.


      • Create a new blog post
      • Make a revision of the post

      Expected Behaviour:

      • Access 'Tools' > 'Space History'
      • Check previous revision
      • Select 'Delete'
      • Previous revision is added to trash and can either be purged or restored by space administrator

      Current Behaviour:

      • Access 'Tools' > 'Space History'
      • Check previous revision
      • Select 'Delete'
      • Receive message "Not Permitted, You are not permitted to perform this operation"

      Users are unable to delete blog histories and hit into Not Permitted, You are not permitted to perform this operation.

      (Available for Confluence Server)

        1. confirmed_space_admin_permission.jpeg
          48 kB
          Paul Greig
        2. not_permitted.jpeg
          18 kB
          Paul Greig

            xtaixe Xavier Sanchez
            adiallo Abdoulaye Kindy Diallo (Inactive)
            18 Vote for this issue
            24 Start watching this issue
