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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-2853

Watch Page and Children


    • 57
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Status Update: 3 Feb 2022

      My name is Daniel Ayele and I'm a Product Manager on the Confluence team where I focus on making Confluence more useful as a tool for team collaboration. Thank you for the feedback and continued discussions on this ticket, we hear you loud and clear and understand that this has been a long requested feature in our product and something that we would love to bring to market.

      I wanted to give a quick overview of a few planned improvements we have on our roadmap (or have recently shipped) that are steps towards addressing this issue:

      Daily Digest: in a few months we'll be rolling out a new Confluence email daily digest, which will take all page update email notifications and send a once daily summary. We've gotten lots of feedback from customers that space watching in particular can be incredibly noisy and the result of lots of activity in a space is they receive way too many notifications. So we wanted to start by addressing the primary source of many of these notifications (page update) to give customers a better default experience so they can stay informed about what's happening around their team without being overwhelmed with notifications. This is step 1 towards encouraging more people to watch more spaces and content (we just don't feel comfortable doing that today because the result is often spammy notifications).

      New Follow: if you haven't yet checked it out, please visit your new Home where you'll see our new content feed! We're excited to bring this to Confluence customers to help them discover content and engage with their team(s). You'll notice a new "Edit Following" button and a "Following" tab where we give you the ability to follow users. We've introduced a new follow feature here, and we have plans to in the near future sunset our existing Follow feature in favor of this direction. Our goal here is similar to the digest - help customers stay up to date with the content they care about without receiving too many notifications.

      Watch/Follow: in the next 18 months we'll be exploring ways to improve and clarify our watch and follow experiences so it's easier and more intuitive for customers to stay up to date with the people and content they care about. A big part of this effort will be allowing customers to explicitly watch or follow pages, spaces, people, and teams and then have more robust settings in context so users can customize their experience and define exactly what they want to watch or follow and how they want to receive updates (notifications? feed only? etc).

      While we don't yet have an immediate fix to this issue, in the spirit of our Open Company, No Bulls*** value I wanted to give context into how we're thinking about this experience generally, and a clearer timeline for when we'd address this. I know it can be frustrating to have outstanding asks like this take forever for us to process, but I want to assure you that we hear you loud and clear but we need to consider this request in context of what's best for all users.

      Thanks again for the feedback, and if you'd like to follow up directly you're welcome to send me an email dayele@atlassian.com


      Daniel Ayele
      Product Manager

      It would be good to allow notifications to include an entire family of pages - so you can opt to watch a page and be notified if it changes, if any of its children change, or if any child page is added or removed.


              ca3a8820a849 Nancy Shao
              cmiller@atlassian.com Charles Miller (Inactive)
              1014 Vote for this issue
              468 Start watching this issue
