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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-23389

Restore Wiki Markup Editor in v4


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Please restore the Wiki-Markup Editor that was removed in v4.

      Product Manager's Note

      Hi All,
      Thanks for your feedback on this issue. There are a number of reasons we made the change from wiki markup to an XHTML-based editor - You can read a complete explanation CEOs on this page.

      We acknowledge that some users need access to the source for various reasons...content portability, fixing formatting errors, personal preference, etc. So we've developed a free Source Editor plugin which can be found on the Atlassian Marketplace

      The source format is not Confluence's old, proprietary wiki markup but rather adheres to basic XHTML markup plus some extra models for defining Confluence-specific objects like macros, links, and images. So if you know basic HTML, the format should be familiar to you. You can read about the format here.

      Bill Arconati

        1. undefined
          36 kB
        2. 3d EnteredPoundSpaceSampleTextViaCTRLSHIFTD.png
          3d EnteredPoundSpaceSampleTextViaCTRLSHIFTD.png
          36 kB
        3. 3c EnteredSampleTextAndClickedNumberedListIcon.png
          3c EnteredSampleTextAndClickedNumberedListIcon.png
          55 kB
        4. 3b AfterCutPasteBullet3.png
          3b AfterCutPasteBullet3.png
          36 kB
        5. 3a AfterEnteringPoundSpace.png
          3a AfterEnteringPoundSpace.png
          37 kB
        6. 2 PressedEditButton.png
          2 PressedEditButton.png
          39 kB
        7. 1 OriginalContent.png
          1 OriginalContent.png
          36 kB

            smansour Sherif Mansour
            jinder John Inder [Atlassian] (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            27 Start watching this issue
