Atlassian Update: Dec 22, 2016 - 01:30 UTC
      The fix for the problem that caused the incident was released to all sites.

      We found sites where the add-on has been installed in the last few days that are affected by different problems.
      We are still working towards fixing these sites and will keep reporting updates on this bug report.


      Connect add-on such as Gliffy, Balsamiq mockups or Bobswift macros are failing to load with an Unauthorised message. This is not an exhaustive list, some add-on symptoms may include:

      Gliffy diagrams don't display on any page.
      Balsamiq mockups display in grey and not load.
      Bobswift add-ons show a loading message: Add-on <add-on name> is not responding. Wait or cancel?
      401 error message is shown when trying to edit some of the macros or visible in the browser console.


      • Confluence Cloud v1000.690.0

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to a page with a Gliffy diagram. (can be found by searching for: " macroName: gliffy* " )

      Expected Results

      The Gliffy diagram is displayed.

      Actual Results

      The diagram is not displayed. The page renders correctly but where the diagram is located, it's blank, no errors are shown on screen.

      Browser Console and Network tabs of the Development Tools show 401 (Unauthorized) for

      similar behaviour for other Atlassian Connect add-ons.


      The fix was applied to all sites but there are some sites still experiencing problems.

      • If an add-on was installed during the last 4 days it is possible that the installation will still be broken. We are taking actions to solve this scenario as well.
      • There is also a handful of sites with add-on configurations that will need to be manually fixed and Atlassian is contacting the plugin vendors to solve that situation.

     Ziming Wang
              mfernandezbadii Mauro Badii (Inactive)
              Affected customers:
              33 This affects my team
              63 Start watching this issue
