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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-9153

Pasting of images directly into Comments/Attachments section no longer working


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • JIRA Cloud Service

      Experiencing the issue using the JIRA Cloud service.. when i attempt to paste an image directly into a JIRA, nothing happens. (Where it used to automatically create an attachment, bring up a dialogue box naming the attachment with the default name "screenshot#' and create a link in the active field (if being pasted into a comment).

      Last week i was able to Copy and paste images into the comments field; or directly into the attachments section using Chrome; now this week seems i am unable to do so. (In chrome, or any browser)

      No issues copy and pasting text;
      No issues copying and pasting images to/from the clipboard into other apps eg: Word.

      Just seems to be an issue within JIRA that the pasting of images no longer functions.

      Please fix/bring this functionality back; its save so much time and space pasting directly into JIRA as opposed to saving the file, then uploading..etc.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            2c2a7d4af8aa Dave Van Weert
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