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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-11925

Improve Privilege Handling for Atlassian Cloud-to-Cloud Migration


    • 9
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

    • Jira Software, Confluence


      • Users with insufficient privileges are encountering a generic "Something went wrong" message when attempting to initiate a cloud-to-cloud migration using the "copy data" option.
      • This message is misleading and doesn't provide clear guidance.

      Current State:

      • Only Organization Admins and Site Admins (for older organizations) can initiate the migration.
      • Users need to check their privileges manually before attempting migration.

      Proposed Solution:

      • Implement a pop-up message that informs users about insufficient privileges when they attempt to use the "copy data" option.
      • The message should clearly state:
        • The required privilege level (e.g., Organization Admin or Site Admin).
        • Provide instructions on how to check their privileges (if applicable).


      • In the meantime, encourage users to verify their privileges before attempting migration.

      Additional Recommendations:

      • Consider creating a feature request for Atlassian Cloud to improve the migration tooling:
        • Enhance privilege checks to prevent unauthorized users from even seeing the "copy data" option.
        • Offer alternative options for users with lower privileges, such as initiating a migration request that can be reviewed and approved by an admin.


      • Improved user experience with clear and actionable information.
      • Reduced confusion and frustration for users with insufficient privileges.

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              8fd6bdb2c853 Ismail Shaikh
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