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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Confluence copy product data is now available for all customers as an Open Beta on Admin Hub. This is the recommended way to move confluence data across sites instead of importing confluence spaces or using the support led CLI. Read more for steps to follow to move Confluence data here: https://support.atlassian.com/organization-administration/docs/copy-confluence-data/


      Customers that are doing acquisitions or would like to consolidate their cloud instances into a single cloud site, will require to perform a confluence cloud to cloud migration. 

      Currently, the only option to perform a Confluence Cloud to Cloud migration/consolidation is to export and import individual space export and import, following this process import-a-confluence-cloud-space which is extensive work if there are big spaces that will need to be manually downloaded and uploaded or if there are a huge amount of spaces to be migrated.

      Suggested Solution

      Similar to the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant, build a tool to automatically perform a Confluence Cloud space migration.


      An alternative is also to generate a full Confluence site backup and import this into a temporary server and use the existing Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant for server, but that will imply additional downtime for the total time to migrate and risks due to additional tasks involved.

            [CLOUD-11495] Confluence Cloud to Cloud migration tooling

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              smehta2@atlassian.com Swarna Mehta
              rscripcaru Ramona Scripcaru
              64 Vote for this issue
              85 Start watching this issue
