Resolution: Unresolved
The standard tokenizer for Bitbucket's search doesn't split up _ or . (Bitbucket 5.7)
This means that it also splits other special characters, such as hyphens by default. This causes an issue if you search for a string using double quotes (i.e: “supplemental.fulfillment.request.view-always”) the hypohen (or any other special character) gets replaced with a space and that causes the search to fail to find a result.
To give better context:
- Searching for bitbucket.web.repository.branches.col.build-status doesn't find the property I'm looking for. Instead it does a search for Bitbucket web repository branches col build status: https://stash.dev.internal.atlassian.com/plugins/servlet/search?q=bitbucket.web.repository.branches.col.build-status
- Searching for bitbucket.web.repository.branches.col.build will find the right thing, but it won't narrow it down between build-status and build-anythingelse: https://stash.dev.internal.atlassian.com/plugins/servlet/search?q=bitbucket.web.repository.branches.col.build
- Searching for "bitbucket.web.repository.branches.col.build-status" won't find anything: https://stash.dev.internal.atlassian.com/plugins/servlet/search?q=%22bitbucket.web.repository.branches.col.build-status%22 . This is the behaviour that we want to resolve.
Could you apply a char filter before the standard tokenizer that transforms "-" into a different symbol that could be tokenized properly?