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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-4815

triggerManualBuild.action is not handled when plan is in quiet period


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 2.4
    • Dashboard
    • None

      When a build is in a quiet period and it is triggered manually in the meantime the action request is not handled and the dashboard is not updated.

      To reproduce:

      1) Create plan with a quiet period
      2) Trigger build by SCM change
      3) During the quiet period, trigger a manual build
      4) The HTTP request will hang forever.

      Here is a sample log.

      2009-11-06 13:07:25,310 INFO [BAM::Events:pool-1-thread-5] [DefaultChangeDetectionManager] Found one change for plan 'SVN-SAND', waiting 1 minute to see if there are any more... (4 retries remaining)
      2009-11-06 13:08:07,656 INFO [13851398@qtp-15427560-37] [AccessLogFilter] admin http://localhost:8085/bamboo/build/admin/triggerManualBuild.action?buildKey=SVN-SAND 46453kb


      2009-11-06 13:08:25,317 INFO [BAM::Events:pool-1-thread-5] [ChangeDetectionListenerAction] Change detection found 1 changes
      2009-11-06 13:08:25,322 INFO [13851398@qtp-15427560-37] [DefaultBuildExecutionManager] Change detection ignored. Plan is already be building : SVN-SAND
      2009-11-06 13:08:25,322 DEBUG [13851398@qtp-15427560-37] [AccessLogFilter] END: admin http://localhost:8085/bamboo/build/admin/triggerManualBuild.action?buildKey=SVN-SAND 46453kb+5300kb 17666ms
      2009-11-06 13:08:25,323 INFO [BAM::Events:pool-1-thread-10] [BuildQueueManagerImpl] Attempting to queue SVN-SAND with SVN-SAND-5.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ukuhnhardt Ulrich Kuhnhardt [Atlassian]
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
