
      We have a few plans that are CVS-based, set to build whenever the repository changes, with a polling frequency of 60. For whatever reason, these builds aren't locating changes anymore. After the import, the initial build-dir directories were empty, so I manually clicked 'Start Build' on each plan, and the code was checked out and the plan ran. Now it seems to not detect any more changes.

      A lot of things like this:

      2008-03-11 13:10:33,077 INFO [pool-13-thread-1] [InitialBuildListener] Changed detection request for LW-COMPILE ignored. Plan is currently busy (may already be building)

      .. are printed in the logs. No changes are found when CVS is polled. There are lingering lockfiles left on the CVS server that get re-added whenever Bamboo checks the changes, though, which prevents other people from updating/commiting.

            mark@atlassian.com MarkC
            392fb6eb772b Sam Berlin
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
