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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-20091

Linked repository continue on being displayed in Plan configuration after its deletion





      When deleting a linked repository, the same is still visible at Plan configuration >> Repositories tab, displaying the default message when repository is selected:

      Linked repository
      This is a linked repository and is accessible for all build plans in Bamboo. Go to linked repositories to edit its details.

      How to replicate

      1. Create a new plan
      2. Select Link new repository and set up Git (_file:///abc_)
      3. Hit Configure plan and Save and continue
      4. Go to Plan configuration >> Repositories tab and select the Git repository configured
      5. Follow the link to linked repositories and delete the repository
      6. Go back to the Plan consuming that repository and you will notice the repository is still displayed at Plan configuration >> Repositories tab


      By following the "Go to linked repositories to edit its details.", Bamboo:

      • redirect request to Bamboo administration >> Linked repositories and no repository configuration is shown
      • no error in Bamboo logs gets thrown

      Repository deleted from Bamboo's UI is marked as TRUE under VCS_LOCATION.MARKED_FOR_DELETION column and still the repository is displayed at Plan configuration, suggesting that not validation to that column is applied

      While running a build, this will fail with:

      com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.git.GitCommandException: command [/usr/local/bin/git -c credential.helper= -c 'credential.helper=store --file=/opt/atlassian/product/bamboo/6.6.1/service/temp/gitCredentials3392325238560763254.tmp' ls-remote file:///abc] failed with code 128. Working directory was [/opt/atlassian/product/bamboo/6.6.1/service/temp]., stderr:
      fatal: '/abc' does not appear to be a git repository
      fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
      Please make sure you have the correct access rights
      and the repository exists.


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              rsperafico Rafael Sperafico (Inactive)
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