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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-19873

Rest API Method for branching with multiple source repositories


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      This issue cloned from https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BAM-11544 where this functionality was added to the UI. There is now a request for a method in the branch creation API endpoint to allow for this same functionality through the REST API.

      Original Description

      The new branch functionality shows great promise. But, and there's always a but, it doesn't handle plans with multiple source repositories.

      For an example setup, I have code stored in the following svn locations:


      To create a clean build of the magic-8-ball application, I need to check out all three in order and build them. If I want to branch the magic-8-ball application for release and have it depend on specific versions of its libraries, the source directories might be:


      From a functional perspective, each of the source repositories in a plan needs to be able to have a separate source repository path when building a given branch. This path for the default build, this other path when building the '1.2' branch etc.

      On the UI side when configuring a Bamboo Branch, the current location for specifying a different source repository when building for a branch is partially non-intuitive. To my mind, especially if Bamboo's concept of Branch builds becomes more central to Bamboo's operation, having the different source repositories for Branches as additional options in the Configuration -> Source Repositories -> Edit Source Repository tab would make more sense. For Branch (pulldown) use [this] repository information with [x] same password or different password etc. I really like the idea of not having to retype the same repository password multiple times.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            38fcfa868271 Bruce Campbell
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