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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-19616

Ability to transition a plan from Repository Stored Specs (RSS) managed back to a standard plan


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Bamboo Specs
    • None
    • 16
    • 7
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Problem Definition

      Currently once a plan is managed via RSS, by design there's no path back to a standard plan and it can no longer be edited through the UI.

      Suggested Solution

      UI action that allows a plan to be transitioned back to a standard plan, the action would need to warn the user that RSS will be disabled for the repository that created this plan as well as warn of any other plans that RSS for that repository manages (if they exist).


      Publish Specs for a specific plan manually.

      When Specs are published to Bamboo server manually (see our tutorial for more details) then plan will be disconnected from RSS and it will be possible to edit its configuration from UI.

      Clone plan

      The RSS managed plan needs to be cloned. However, this will lose all the build history.

      Run SQL query

      This is not a recommended way to proceed and you need to make sure you take a database backup before applying this solution.

      • stop Bamboo
      • take DB backup
      • run the following queries
        -- Disconnect Bamboo plan from RSS
        -- Bamboo <= 7.2
        UPDATE build
        SET vcs_specs_source_id=NULL
        WHERE full_key='<full_build_plan_key>'
        AND build_type='CHAIN';
        -- Bamboo >= 8.0
        DELETE FROM plan_vcs_specs_source
        WHERE plan_id=( 
          SELECT build_id 
          FROM build 
          WHERE full_key='<full_build_plan_key>'
          AND build_type='CHAIN'
        -- Disconnect Bamboo deployment from RSS
        -- Any Bamboo version
        UPDATE deployment_project
        SET vcs_specs_source_id=NULL
        WHERE plan_key='<full_deployment_plan_key>';
      • start Bamboo

              Unassigned Unassigned
              jowen@atlassian.com Jeremy Owen
              72 Vote for this issue
              47 Start watching this issue
