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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-15065

Allow automatic branch plans to override triggers


    • 1
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      One of the problems with Bamboo that I've encountered (and seen a lot of other people wanting to fix/change/workaround) is that when I have a build plan set to automatically create branch plans, I don't want it to run on the main repository branch.


      • I create a plan and as part of that I have to set a repository. I need to set a branch for this repository. This is the "main repository branch".
      • I setup triggers for the plan because I don't want to manually set those triggers on each branch plan. eg repository polling.
      • This causes the "main branch plan" to also be triggered when the conditions are met.

      The most common "workaround" I have seen for this is "Just put up with it". But when you have several plans on the same repository, this can produce a lot of notification spam when a commit is made to the main branch.

      Also, it becomes possible for people to perform the incorrect actions when they access the "main branch" for a plan that has manual stages meant for a branch. (eg, a release branch build that allows you to finish the release. In this case I could run the release-finish on the main branch)

      What you need to solve this, is a plan that has no "main branch" triggers, but does have triggers for the branch plans. I know triggers can be overridden on branch plans, but there is currently no way of doing this in conjunction with the automatic branch plan creation.

      So what I'm asking for is an addition to the Branches tab of a build plan (or anywhere) where I can set triggers that will automatically be applied to a branch plan when it is created. (bonus points if you do this on manual OR automatic branch plan creation)

      What do you think?

            mgardias Marcin Gardias
            982a92dd04b2 Gary Kennedy
            8 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
