Resolution: Fixed
As a rule writer
I want to copy and paste (clone) components within a rule
So I can rapidly create rules which have repeated branches, conditions, and actions
Acceptance criteria:
- Branch, condition, and action components can be cloned
- When a component is cloned, it is placed immediately below its source component
- When a branch is cloned, the child components of the branch are also cloned
- When a condition is cloned, the child components of the condition are also cloned
- Bonus: cloning can occur manually by editing a JSON rule file, leaving the component identifiers blank, and then importing the rule for a project.
Business case:
The user interface for rule automation allows rapid creation of rules in most ways, except for adding components. When rules have a repeated pattern, there is no work-around other than to add each component, one by one. Providing a component clone feature will dramatically speed up the creation of such rules.
Add an option to copy automation rules between projects -
We have 200+ projects mapped to our different clients, one project per client.
Each of these projects have the same automation rule set that is currently manually applied to them one by one.
An option to create the rule once and them copy it to another project will be very helpful.
- is duplicated by
AUTO-73 Add an option to copy automation rules between projects
- Closed
AUTO-195 Copy a rule component/action/condition
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-22066 Ability to copy/duplicate automation steps inside a rule
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-22802 Ability to copy actions and conditions in Automation rules
- Closed
- relates to
JSDCLOUD-12374 Ability to copy the automation of one project to another
- Closed
Form Name |
Hi everyone,
Great news – we have now released this feature! For more information please visit our community blog!
Thank you again for your feedback and suggestion!