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  1. Automation for Cloud
  2. AUTO-28

Make it easier to navigate Automation Audit Log - add option to search/filter by Issue key, option to view more issues, option to scroll for large audit logs, link directly to the specific component rather than the overall rule


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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Suggested improvements

      • Users would benefit from the ability to perform searches in the audit log of a rule for multiple purposes, specially if their execution count is too high to look through each entry.
      • Pagination for audit log
      • Wrapping the large audit logs in Automation for Jira - It would be a better user experinece if the audit logs with webhook response can fit the page width so that users could view the entire log within the page and doesn't require scrolling.
      • Add "See more" button to audit log results - When an automation rule affects a large number of issues, it is impossible to see in the audit log a list of all affected issues because it is truncated.
      • Display issue keys in audit logs without having to click on 'Show more'
      • Confusion around audit log duration being execution time vs runtime - The Automation for Confluence/Jira audit log displays parallel/resource execution time, but since it's called duration it can be seen as runtime instead. This leads to confusion with a rule finishing in 5 or 10 minutes but it may actually have 40 or 50 minutes of processing time due to being processed in parallel than totaled at the end.
      • At this moment the audit log shows a suggestion on the date (calendar) fields that makes it seem that a date is already added in them.
        This can cause some confusion as using the time fields without selecting a date does seem to update the results but gives entries that are not consistent with the dates shown as example.
        Please show a different suggestion text or a warning to prompt the user to enter dates on the date fields to be able to use the filtering properly.
      • Allow automation auditlog time & date formatting - 
        Raising on behalf of a customer to allow or include the ability to update automation audit log time & date formatting similar to Jira look & feel.


      Add more functionalities to the Automation Audit Logs:

      1. "Filter by Status" (i.e., Config Change, Success, Some Errors, etc.)
      2. "Jump to Page" (i.e., a text box allowing us to enter the page number to view)
      3. More page navigation links (i.e., Go To First, Go To Last, more page # options, etc.)
      4. Extensive logging- What changes occurred under config changes, who made them?
      5. Automation rule creation & deletion logging - (When, what & who.)
      6. Ability to filter rules and their audit log based on "action" (example: Send email, Send webhook, Add comment) and if automation performed the action.
      7. List automation logs entries in order - Originally reported in AUTO-81, now Closed as duplicate of this one.



              9df7f128cb98 Eshaa Sood
              3638101d8c0a Jose Gochi
              186 Vote for this issue
              150 Start watching this issue
