+1 - I wanted to pull in an entire thread from Slack, as a few people had very insightful comments that needed to be captured for a single Jira issue. The thread included screenshots, URLs and text formatting (bold text, bullet points, numbering, all that Slack supports by the way).
There are problems with how it's designed today:
- I expected the message to show up as a comment in Jira, not off in some sidebar tucked away.
- I lost the full context of the Slack thread because the integration only works on a single message, not a thread.
- For the message that did get pulled in, I lost the full context of the single message because it gets truncated when it comes into Jira.
- I am being forced to context switch by having to click the link to go to Slack to see more instead of staying right in Jira. I would then waste further time trying to read all the other comments that never made it into Jira (see #2 above).
- I lost context because the screenshots in my Slack message were not copied to Jira.
- I lost emphasized text, which may result in people not fully understanding my comment, because the Slack text formatting didn't come through to Jira.
So specifically I am requesting:
- Ability to add a Slack thread to an existing Jira ticket so that I can see the entire thread directly in Jira w/o having to leave Jira.
- I don't think Jira supports threading, so it's okay if the replies just get stacked in reverse chronological order as Jira does today.
- I think this highlights the need for threading support in Jira, but that's a different topic!
- Ensure that any screenshots that are in the Slack thread are also added to Jira in the same location as in Slack so that we don't lose context of screenshots.
- Ensure any HTTP links in the Slack thread make there way into Jira.
- Preserve Slack formatting, as best as possible, e.g., numbering, bullet points, bold text, spacing, etc., so that the message remains readable in Jira.
- BONUS: When sending the message from Slack over to Jira, I'd love to have the ability to highlight a specific portion of a comment to capture the main point of the long thread. This would help when in Jira so that we can quickly see what the key takeaway was from that thread upon which we must take action.
+1 - I wanted to pull in an entire thread from Slack, as a few people had very insightful comments that needed to be captured for a single Jira issue. The thread included screenshots, URLs and text formatting (bold text, bullet points, numbering, all that Slack supports by the way).
There are problems with how it's designed today:
So specifically I am requesting: