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  1. Atlassian Guard
  2. ACCESS-1198

More controls over email notifications received by Organization Admins


    • 29
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Problem definition:

      Today, organization admins receive a lot of notifications:

      • Organisation admin is invited/ Organisation admin is removed
      • MFA is enabled/ MFA is disabled
      • Products administrated by managed accounts outside org are found
      • A new product instance is created by a managed account
      • Revoke domain claim
      • Domain is unverified
      • Org admin stops enforcing 2SV /Managed user enables 2SV/ Managed user disables 2SV
      • Welcome message to the bundled track/ Bundled track changelog (upcoming changes)/ Welcome to the preview track
      • Sandbox is created
      • Preview track changelog (instant changes)
      • Data copy is complete
      • Data clone failed
      • When an admin invites a new user to a site/product
      • When an admin invites a existing user to a site/product
      • When a user requests access to a site/product
      • When a admin adds a new product to an existing user on their site
      • Org admin updates a managed account's email
      • Org admin reactivates a managed account
      • Org admin exports managed accounts CSV
      • Confirming that your account password has changed
      • User Requesting a Password Reset
      • etc.

      Organization admins do not have the ability to control which actions they get email notifications for. In multi-site, Enteprise cloud setup, and in instances with large volume of users, the notification sent today generate a lot of noise.

      Suggested solution:

      Allow individual Organization admins to control what actions they'd like to receive email notifications for and which ones they wouldn't like to get notified about via email. Make sure that audit logs capture all actions Organization admins get notified about today and make notifications optional. 


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