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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-4444

Moving a ticket won't remove approval need


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Service Desk Server. Using JIRA Service Desk Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.


      When moving a ticket from a workflow that requires approval to another that does not, the approval need will not be removed, even though the target workflow does not use it.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Modify the workflow from an issue type on a Service Desk Project to require approval, and have at least one issue type on the same project that does not have approval as part of the workflow.
      2. Create a ticket on the issue type that needs approval
      3. Move the ticket to the issue type that does not require approval

      Expected Results

      The approval need is removed.

      Actual Results

      The ticket will still need to be approved.


      Both the approver and approval can be removed directly on the database:

      1. Backup JIRA using our XML Backup utility or your native database tools.
      2. Delete the approver:
        delete from "AO_56464C_APPROVER" where "APPROVAL_ID" = (select "ID" from "AO_56464C_APPROVAL" where "ISSUE_ID" = (select id from jiraissue where issuenum = 'issue_number' and project = (select id from project where pkey = 'project_key')));
      3. Delete the approval:
        delete from "AO_56464C_APPROVAL" where "ISSUE_ID" = (select id from jiraissue where issuenum = 'issue_number' and project = (select id from project where pkey = 'project_key'));

            mmcmahon Matthew McMahon (Inactive)
            rrosa@atlassian.com Rodrigo Rosa
            1 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
