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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-94722

Questions for Confluence redirecting to "Page Not Found" when there are no questions created within the Space.


      CQ 4.5.10 is released, which resolves this issue.

      Issue Summary

      When clicking the Questions option on the left navigation menu of a Space that has no questions created, users are taken to the following URL:


      Which shows a Page Not Found message.

      If a Space already has questions created, this issue does not happen.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install Questions for Confluence v4.5.3 in your Confluence instance.
      2. Access a Confluence Space and click on the Questions option on the left navigation menu:

      Expected Results

      You're taken to this Space's Questions menu:


      Where you can ask questions.

      Actual Results

      You're taken to the following URL:


      Which results in a Page Not Found message:

      On Tomcat's access logs we see that this requests generates an HTTP 404:

      GET /c855/display/NOQ/questions/all?src=sidebar HTTP/1.1 302 72ms - http://localhost:6855/c855/display/NOQ/Noquestion+Home
      GET /c855/cq/ HTTP/1.1 404 125ms 38265 http://localhost:6855/c855/display/NOQ/Noquestion+Home 


      To be able to access the Space's questions you'll need to first ask a new question by using the top navigator menu and link that question to the desired Space:

      Once this is done you'll be able to access the Space's questions directly through the Space left navigation menu.

            ephillips@atlassian.com Edward
            cd74979134f3 Murilo Bellini
            11 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
