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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-38762

Finding documents with words separated by DOT


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      When Searching for documents in the Confluence free-text search box, a lot of documents are hard to find, when not KNOWING exactly what to search for.

      In our case, we have a lot of settings. Their names are separated by a . (DOT), and it is extremely hard finding documents where these settings are mentioned, or where part of the words of the setting name are mentioned.

      See below:

      These cases matches my test-page

      These does NOT find my page. I would like them all to find it!

      I'd say, that searching for just PTCSC in this case should find my document.

      Furthermore, searching for the end of a word does not seem to work either, in our case, "*.PTCSC.Suffix" does not find the document.

      This is actually one of the reasons people at our organisation feels that Confluence might not be the best tool for documentation; it is hard to find documents with relevant content.

      Yes. There are tags. We use those, but finding content is key.

        1. NotMatching.png
          277 kB
        2. Matches.png
          125 kB
        3. EndsWithNotMatching.png
          66 kB

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