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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-2611

Bamboo doesn't generate correct FIshEye links for Perforce


      Bamboo doesn't generate correct links for the fisheye diffs -

      As per BSP-797

      That is in fact the perforce repository as it is indexed by fisheye.

      In Bamboo changes tab files appear as:

      1. depot/XXX/src/com/xxx//server/mappers/AlarmMapper.java (version 247) (diffs)

      The link to the file name works, but the (version 247) link does not link to the version ... and (diffs) link is trying to diff changeset 247 with changeset 246, but that file was not even changed in changeset 246 so FishEye is showing an error about non-existing version.

      404 - Not Found

      The requested resource cannot be found.
      Referer: http://jira/bamboo/browse/XXX/commit
      No such revision 246

              bmccoy bmccoy
              ac090e452731 Evgeny Zislis
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              1 Start watching this issue
