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  2. TRELLO-83

As a user, I can set whether to "show details" for activity on a card in the Android app and this setting is saved the next time I view a card


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      User problem

      In the Android app, when a user selects “Show details” on a card back, then closes and views another card, they must select “Show details” again - the setting is not saved. On iOS and Web this setting is saved.

      Suggested solution

      Make the setting permanent

      Current workaround

      Select “show details” every time.

      Additional details

      Right now, the iOS and web experience lets you save the preference on showing the Activity details on a card: when you choose the “Show details“ on 1 card, the details keep being expanded on all other cards you open afterward in 1 session.

      In the Android app, you have to go through card settings every time to open Activity details. Our users would prefer to have this setting saved as the default one for all cards during a session.

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            photchkiss Parker Hotchkiss
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