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  2. TRELLO-79

As a user I can see power-up pricing information on the power-up listing so that I know before I enable whether or not the power-up is free or requires a separate subscription


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      User Problem

      Trello users who are looking for power-ups via the power-up store can’t find pricing information on the power-up listing. Some power-ups are free, others require a separate subscription licensed thru the power-up developer. A lack of transparency with power-up pricing information in the power-up store makes it difficult for users to find power-ups.

      Suggested Solution

      1. Users should be able to filter power-ups by those that are “free” .
      1. Users should see text on the power-up listing to indicate that the power-up is paid thru the developer. See example from Atlassian Marketplace: [Atlassian Command Line Interface (CLI) | Atlassian Marketplace|https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/10886/atlassian-command-line-interface-cli?hosting=cloud&tab=pricing] (Pricing Tab)

      Current Workarounds

      None available.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            photchkiss Parker Hotchkiss
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