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  2. TRELLO-76

As an Trello user, I want to be able to organize my boards into different categories, so that I can more quickly find what I am looking for when I need it


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      User Problem

      Right now if I want to group my boards in an way I need to either use collections or create a separate workspace. Both are not great because collections are labels that can be seen/edited by other users and creating more workspaces just further seperates out my content into completly different places that are not easy to access. It would be better if I had a way to quickly organize my boards based on how I want to - kinda like how I can organize slack channels into “sections.”

      Suggested Solutions

      Ability for users to create “spaces/sections” within a Trello workspace and put different content like boards, views, etc. into those sections. For example, a section called “High Priority” and a section alled “Social”. This categorization would be from each individual users perspective so they would not be shared between users.

      Current Workarounds

      Use Trello collections or create multiple workspaecs.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            photchkiss Parker Hotchkiss
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