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  2. TRELLO-74

As a Trello user, I can easily move all cards in a list to a list in a different board, so that I can use a multi-board workflow


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      User Problem

      It's easy to move lists between boards, but it's rather difficult to move a list's contents between boards, because "move all cards in this list" doesn't let you target other boards.

      This situation occurs when you have a standard template - for example, maybe a "Triage" board where you occasionally move all contents from one list to an "Up Next" list on the "Work" board.

      Suggested Solutions

      When moving cards from one list to another, include a board selector as well as a list selector.

      Current Workarounds

      There are two workarounds available:

      1. Move the cards via the iOS or Android apps, which both already support this functionality.
      1. Follow these steps to move the cards using the web app:
        1. Create a temporary list on Board A.
        1. Move all cards to the temporary list.
        1. Move temporary list to Board B board.
        1. Move all cards from temporary list to the destination list in Board B.
        1. Archive temporary list.

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            photchkiss Parker Hotchkiss
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