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  2. TRELLO-546

Checklist items jump to a random position when moved (Android)


    • 2
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      On the Android app, checklist items jump to a random position instead of landing where they are supposed to land.

      The preconditions are bigger checklists with 30+ items, and having some completed checklist items hidden (hide checked items feature).

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a checklist with 30+ items in it
      2. Check some of the items off
      3. Hide checked items with hide checked items feature
      4. Try to rearrange the position of the remaining checklist items

      Expected Results

      Checklist tems will land where you drag them

      Actual Results

      Checklist items land in the random position, more often on top of the list


      Disabling hide checked items feature makes the checklist behave as expected. But it is not very handy to have all checklist items visible in large lists.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            a25943c42c17 Lena Yasienieva
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