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  2. TRELLO-474

Enterprise Workspace guests left in a bad state not showing up in the Enterprise admin dashboard


    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      We've identified a bug that was removing users' collaborator licenses even though they were still guests on an Enterprise Workspace, causing discrepancy between the number of guests in the Workspace vs. the Enterprise dashboard.

      The root cause of this issue has already been fixed, so it won't happen to more users, but the users that were already in this bad state need a dedicated fix so that they show up in the Enterprise dashboard again.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add a user to two boards in an Enterprise Workspace, making them a guest;
      2. Remove the user from one of these boards, leaving them in the other

      Expected Results

      The user would remain as a guest in both the Workspace Guests page and the Enterprise admin dashboard.

      Actual Results

      The user remains as a guest in the Workspace Guests page, but do not show up in the Enterprise admin dashboard due to having their collaborator license removed.



            Unassigned Unassigned
            9e2dfaf9202f Gustavo Kindel
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