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  2. TRELLO-398

Power-Up Board buttons don't refresh on enable/disable


    • 1
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      When enabling or disabling a Power-Up the board buttons don't refresh until the web browser is refreshed.

      Steps to Reproduce

      This is how you can reproduce the issue on enable:

      1. Enable a power-up that has buttons.
      2. Expected behaviour: At least one button is visible after enabling the
        power-up (based on the settings).
      3. Actual behaviour: The button is not visible, there is an issue refreshing
        the board buttons when the power-up was added, the browser need to refresh
        to fix this, after refresh the buttons will be updated according to the

      And on disable:

      1. Disable the power-up
      2. Expected behaviour: board buttons that where visible should be hidden
        (based on the settings).
      3. Actual behaviour: The buttons remain visible until the board is
        refreshed, the browser need to refresh to fix this.

      Expected Results

      See above

      Actual Results

      See above


      Refreshing the web browser causes the buttons to be visible

            Unassigned Unassigned
            d67e5ce9dcf7 Nathan Smith
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
