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  2. TRELLO-381

Exclude parts of an email (like attachments) when emailing into card/board


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      User Problem

      When we email content to a Trello board/card, the entire email, including any images or attachments, gets added to a card. This can be inconvenient if your emails have signatures with images or are part of a chain with attachments you don't need on the Trello card.

      Suggested Solutions

      Developing a way to control what gets added to the card from your email. Be able to use a specific keyword (or phrase) in the subject line or email body to tell Trello to ignore images, attachments, or both.

      For example, let's say your email signature has an image. You could add the keyword "text-only" to the subject line to ensure only the email body appears on the card.

      Or add an automation that allows users to remove attachments from cards. 

      Current Workarounds

      We can manually manage attachments for now after creating or adding the message to the card. You can either:

      • Delete unnecessary attachments directly from the card here.
      • Remove attachments from the email before sending it to Trello.

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            150f402ea131 Rodolfo Moreira
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